Megan Alter Photography in 2015
This was an exciting year for Megan Alter Photography. Survivior Bride and Lost Bride were created to expand my Surreal Bridal Series and “The Queen” photo was featured as a book cover. I hosted the Real Shoot Experience: Great Gatsby and the Great Gatsby photo exhibition together with Amsterdam Photo Club and Yelp Events.
Megan Alter Photography courses, welcomed a team of new instructors and introduced the Advanced Photography Courses, along with offering more Digital Photography Basics Courses than ever before.
When one door shuts, another one opens. In 2015, Megan Alter Photography will be shooting all the Fashion Photography for The Mode Code Fashion column and rolling out more photography events such as our newest workshop Real Shoot Experience: Natural Light, which will give our experienced photographers a chance to work with real models. We will also continue collaborating with Amsterdam Photo Club and Shutterstock. Check out our event listing and join us in 2015…
You never cease to amaze !
You have a real gift!
Keep up the great work!