We love photographing people.

Lisbon, Fashion shooting, Portugal, model photography, fashion photographers, Fashion photography Amsterdam

Our specialty is people and we do portrait photography and video on location. We find photographing people in an environment helps in telling a story.

lost bride, bridal fashion, bridal photography, model photography, fashion photographers, on-locaion photography

What services are offered?

We offer the production, shooting and editing of portrait photography for:
  • Fashion & Creative Photography – We provide creative shoots for personal & business use. Let us arrange your shoot with stylists, hair & make-up artists. We can also book models.
  • Professional Portraits – We create professional portraits that communicate personality for web and printed publishing.
  • Boudoir Style – Set of sensual photos of “her”, a great gift idea.
  • Other – what are your photography needs?


How much does it cost?

Megan Alter Photography offers photography packages starting at €800. Please contact us with the form below to get a quote for your project.
We are looking for clients who want high quality results from a photography team that knows how to make people look their best.

Let your photo shoot experience begin—tell us about your ideas

Tell Us Your Photo Ideas

This is for invoicing purposes, nothing will be mailed to you.