Happy New Year!
Let’s experience 2020

Looking back on 2019, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary and hosted more courses and workshops than ever before. We introduced the Art of Portfolio Creation and created unique workshop photoshoots that included working directly with designers, stylists and MUAs. We were also invited to join the expat fair as an exhibitor, in partnership with Amsterdam Photo Club, and were privileged to be interviewed by Broadcast Amsterdam.
I’ve avoided creating the traditional list of resolutions for the new year, but instead am looking inward to allow my passions to determine my trajectory. Setting positive intentions in a more general way, and seeking options that are enriching and truly push my creative side. It’s surprising to me that the plans I’ve made for 2020 seem to be aligning themselves naturally with this direction.

Coming this Feb. 28, 2010 at 19:00 we will be hosting an open studio day! We’ll be exhibiting past student work and are planning some performances in the space. I’m very excited and look forward to sharing more details as the date draws near!
For those looking for an intensive photographic journey, I’m creating course projections again for 2020. In addition to learning quickly, these course projections are great for networking and building strong connections as we work through several courses with a similiar core group.
Here’s the plan for Winter/ Spring 2020:
1. Photography Basics Course, Jan. 14, 2020 (prerequisite for the Art of Portfolio Creation Course)
2. The Traveling StoryTeller Workshop, Jan. 22, 2020
3. You are invited to join The Art of Portfolio Creation Course, Feb. 24, 2020
*After taking the Photography Basics Course, students recieve 10% off future courses and workshops.